Music Concepts Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: atonal : no feeling of key, grace note : a type of ornament played as a quick, crushed note before the main note of a melody, glissando : sliding from one note to another, trill : moving quickly and repeatedly between adjacent notes, coda : a passage at the end of a piece which finishes it off, ground bass : a theme in the bass which is repeated many times while the upper parts are varied, strophic : each verse of a vocal piece has the same music, bodhran : a celtic wooden drum held in one hand and played with a wooden beater, pizzicato : italian term for plucking a string instrument, pibroch : the classical form of the highland bagpipe in theme and variation form, contrapuntal : a texture which consists of two or more independent melodic lines. it is similar to polyphonic, anacrusis : the note(s) before the first strong beat of a phrase, jig : a fast scottish dance in compound time with 2 beats in a bar