Music, Movies and TV Crossword Puzzles

Free printable music-movies crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.

Showing 121-150 of 207 records

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Tunes We Hear at Holiday Time crossword puzzle
Tunes We Hear at Holiday Time

joy to the _ , i want a _ for christmas, i saw _ ships, angels _ us, auld _ syne, boogie _ santa claus, deck the _ , _ the snowman, grandma got run …

Hollywood Movies 2024 crossword puzzle
Hollywood Movies 2024

the origin story of a renegade warrior before her encounter with mad max​, an animated adventure where a cat goes on a risky heist with his …

Christmas Music crossword puzzle
Christmas Music

o come let us _ him, glory to the _ king, _ leading, still proceeding, _ through the snow, walking in a winter _ , may your days be merry and _ , …

Romantic Period Music crossword puzzle
Romantic Period Music

russian composer. known for new world symphony, literally, a piece of music played by an instrument, a musical group that consists of strings, …

Song Terminology crossword puzzle
Song Terminology

a long instrumental section that introduces an entirely different feel than any other previous part of song, nearly always appears in conjunction with …

Music Festival and Live Music crossword puzzle
Music Festival and Live Music

a live performance by a musician or group playing popular or jazz music, a performer or act that is promoted as the star attraction, a place used for …

Disco Music crossword puzzle
Disco Music

pop music, written for people to be good for people to dance, how long one note or a whole piece of music lasts, how music can change in volume, a …

Western Classical Music crossword puzzle
Western Classical Music

monophonic plainchant of the medieval period, a baroque music genre that employs a solo instrument accompanied by an orchestra, the most used …

Musical Expression crossword puzzle
Musical Expression

short, separated notes, emphasized note, a note given its full value, a note held until the director cuts off, get louder, get quieter, loud, quiet, …

Medieval to Romantic Era crossword puzzle
Medieval to Romantic Era

a word meaning more than one sound developed in the renaissance period, type of hand used for notation in the medieval period, a type of music used in …

Elements of Singing crossword puzzle
Elements of Singing

how a singer vocalizes the words of a song, the part of your register that resonates in the chest; created by thicker vocal folds, a version of the …

Music Language crossword puzzle
Music Language

a series of sounds or notes in a piece of music, a family of instruments that are played using strings that make noise, a family of instruments that …

Harmony and Tonailty crossword puzzle
Harmony and Tonailty

music that moves by semi tone step, either melodically, or harmonically, music that harmonically and melodic follows a key. (lack of many …

Music Periods and Genres crossword puzzle
Music Periods and Genres

1680-1750. music has heavy use of strings and harpsichord. very polyphonic and diatonic, 1750-1820. lots of orchestral and chamber music. clearly …

Romantic Music crossword puzzle
Romantic Music

composer famous for his lies, movement in the nineteenth century focusing on expressivity, most prominent string instrument in western tradition, …

Medieval Age Music History crossword puzzle
Medieval Age Music History

these are only used in acapella music, music for the church, music outside of the church, men who sang in church, 450-1450, music with one melody, …

Halloween And Scary Movie crossword puzzle
Halloween And Scary Movie

the most misunderstood animal, "this is _ ", they crawl out of the grave, a movie about a predator, shhhh be quiet, _ before christmas, …

About a Horror Movie crossword puzzle
About a Horror Movie

the most misunderstood animal, "this is _ ", they crawl out of the grave, a movie about a predator, shhhh be quiet, _ before christmas, …

Harmony crossword puzzle

we are in a constant state of, when we judge, like or dislike, we.., what if all choices were just a series of these?, our roles in life need to be , …

Musical Key Terminology crossword puzzle
Musical Key Terminology

moving in leaps (melody), fast, lively (tempo), when a melody is repeated at a higher or lower pitch (melody), clef the viola uses (instrumentation), …

Instruments crossword puzzle

double-reed instrument, similar to a trumpet but with a wider bell, lowest instrument in the brass family, only woodwind instrument without a reed, …

Music Matters! crossword puzzle
Music Matters!

sections of music is called.., the beat is a...., sound held for 2 beats, a note held for 4 beats of sound, smooth and connected playing or singing, …

Musical Genres and Instruments crossword puzzle
Musical Genres and Instruments

fast beats, energy and dynamism. uses the guitar (chuck berry, elvis presley and queen), percussion instrument, large and with a very loud sound. it …

Renaissance Music Time Period crossword puzzle
Renaissance Music Time Period

moving in accordance with the harmony, a song with several voicing typically arranged in elaborate counterpoint, the lowest voicing of instrument or …

String Instruments crossword puzzle
String Instruments

_ is a technique where the bow moves back and fourth rapidly.: where the knights sits on the horse, used to rest your chin when playing the violin or …

Know Your Music crossword puzzle
Know Your Music

the musical word for volume, the highest sounding instrument of the string family, the note name worth 4 beats, the italian term for loud, this tells …

Introduction to Violin crossword puzzle
Introduction to Violin

music for viola where the line in the middle of the staff is middle c, the last and thickest string made of metal wire, supports the strings and …

Classical Music crossword puzzle
Classical Music

mozart spent many years freelancing in this city, keyboard instrument mass produced after the industrial revolution, this opera is a comedy about a …

Music History crossword puzzle
Music History

the musical period in which bach and handel lived and composed in, the musical period in which mozart and haydn lived and composed in, the musical …

Music Concepts crossword puzzle
Music Concepts

no feeling of key, a type of ornament played as a quick, crushed note before the main note of a melody, sliding from one note to another, moving …