Music, Movies and TV Crossword Puzzles

Free printable music-movies crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.

Showing 121-150 of 214 records

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Harry Styles crossword puzzle
Harry Styles

Harry Edward Styles is an English singer, songwriter and actor.

Superheros crossword puzzle

a symbol that represents the hero, like batman's bat signal, special clothing that heroes wear to look different when they're saving the day, a …

Elements of Music and Composers crossword puzzle
Elements of Music and Composers

composer of water music, the way different sections of music are put together to create the whole piece, composer of winter from the four seasons, …

One Named Singers / Bands crossword puzzle
One Named Singers / Bands

she was true blue in 1987, she was by your side in 2000, they took you on a joyride in 1991, they wished you happy new year in 1980, she went walking …

Scary Movie Trivia crossword puzzle
Scary Movie Trivia

which character from scream claims that the first rule for surviving a horror movie is to not have sex?, where does friday the 13th take place?, which …

Introduction to Drama crossword puzzle
Introduction to Drama

the clothes worn by the performers in a movie or play, this is the place and time in which the play or story happens, drama is the art of _ , drama …

The Lion King crossword puzzle
The Lion King

main character in the lion king, simba's best friend and future queen, simba's father and the king of the pride land, mufasa’s brother and main …

The Greatest Rock and Roll Artists crossword puzzle
The Greatest Rock and Roll Artists

electric or batteries, can be passionate, not how, when, where, or why, hurry!, heavy blimp, a red playing card, 8 legs and stings, wore suits and …

Theatre / Play crossword puzzle
Theatre / Play

a piece of work written in dialogue form usually with a beginning, middle, and end, broken into one or more acts, a light and amusing play that …

Entertainment crossword puzzle

a field of business or production, especially one that is large and includes many companies and work, to organize enjoyment for someone through …

Musical Terms crossword puzzle
Musical Terms

refers to the loudness and softness in music, means loud, means slightly soft, a notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound, a …

Opera Composers crossword puzzle
Opera Composers

composer of "la traviata", composer of "la bohème", composer of "the magic flute", composer of "the ring …

Guess the Film crossword puzzle
Guess the Film

a box of chocolates, a bench, running, darth vader, jedi, the force, ship, romance, sinking, pandora, unobtainium, na'vi, ghosts,marshmallow …

Opera crossword puzzle

the orchestra conductor of the opera, not all opera is serious, some operas are funny, male highest voice, lowest voice type for men, the female voice …

Roles of Theatre crossword puzzle
Roles of Theatre

all members who have an active role as a character in the production. (living or nonliving), all of the men and women who work backstage during a …

Musical Genres crossword puzzle
Musical Genres

an american musical genre, enjoying its peak popularity around the years 1900–1918. this genre identifies as a dance form written in 2/4 or 4/4 …

People of a Production crossword puzzle
People of a Production

the person who sponsors the show, the person who directs the actors, the person who manages the actors and everything that happens during the …

Elvis Presleys In the Ghetto crossword puzzle
Elvis Presley's 'In the Ghetto'

a major issue faced by the song's protagonist, the feeling of being without hope, often highlighted in the song, the name of the artist who performed …

Movie Genres Vocabulary crossword puzzle
Movie Genres Vocabulary

one of the people in a story (person, animal, creature or a thing), a place where new movies are shown on a big screen, cgi - computer generated …

Christmas Movie Quote crossword puzzle
Christmas Movie Quote

merry christmas you filthy animal, blast this christmas music! it’s joyful and triumphant, every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings, the best …

Christmas Carol Lyrics crossword puzzle
Christmas Carol Lyrics

the virgin bears the _ , ye who sang _ story, as with joy they _ its light, the stars in the bright sky looked _ where he lay, star of the east, the _ …

Taylor Swifts Mean crossword puzzle
Taylor Swift's Mean

title of taylor swift's song about verbal abuse, a type of aggressive behaviour that the song addresses, language that uses symbolic or metaphorical …

Musical Elements crossword puzzle
Musical Elements

the volume of music, a pattern of notes which vary in length, the overall shape and layout of a composition, a succession of single sounds, how the …

Mysteries of the Rosary crossword puzzle
Mysteries of the Rosary

events of christ's early life., events of christ's passion, events of christ's evangelization, key miracles performed by christ, mary learns that she …

COMPOSERS crossword puzzle

clavichord, harpsichord, and organ were used during this time, pianoforte and harpsichord were used during this time, piano was used during this time, …

Home Alone crossword puzzle
Home Alone

what is the name of the main character in "home alone", in which city does "home alone" take place, what is the name of the actor …

The Indian in the Cupboard crossword puzzle
The Indian in the Cupboard

who is the tiny warrior?, _ and indians are used to rough treatment, who didn't appreciate patrick's birthday present to him/, what are the names of …

Melody Key Terms crossword puzzle
Melody Key Terms

grace notes, small note with a line through it, played quickly before the next note, grace note without a line through it, borrows half the value from …

Film Vocabulary crossword puzzle
Film Vocabulary

acknowledgement of all involved in a film, person who directs the camera work, the sound that accompanies a film, the constructed setting where the …

Medieval Music Time Period crossword puzzle
Medieval Music Time Period

producing many sounds simultaneously or many voices, a french lyric poet that would compose and sing, same parts moving at the same time, time period …