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Music, Movies and TV Crossword Puzzles
Free printable music-movies crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
the distance between two pitches, the space between two bar lines, lowers a pitch a half step, another term for 4/4 time, sing softly, the relative …
famous movie series directed by george lucas, iconic 1933 movie with a brunette star set to be sacrificed before being saved by an unexpected source, …
double-reed instrument, similar to a trumpet but with a wider bell, lowest instrument in the brass family, only woodwind instrument without a reed, …
russian composer. known for new world symphony, literally, a piece of music played by an instrument, a musical group that consists of strings, …
films that explore speculative concepts, often set in the future or outer space, involving advanced technology or extraterrestrial life, non-fiction …
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a 1978 film featuring the iconic masked killer, michael myers, a 1960 alfred hitchcock thriller known for its famous shower scene, the mastermind …
1942 film starring humphrey bogart and ingrid bergman, 1939 epic historical romance film, 1958 psychological thriller directed by alfred hitchcock, …
played joe fox in "you've got mail", played ellis boyd redding in "the shawshank redemption", played anna scott in "notting …
_ away, the da _ code, sleepless in _ , the polar _ , saving private _ , p _ _ l _ _ l p _ _ _ , _ me if you can, _ story, beautiful day in the, the _ …
what is the family struggling to survive on the outskirts of landford?, which tv series do the married couple samantha and jay belong to?, who would …
a beat of silence, a line that indicates the end of a bar, a note that lasts for one beat, a tom-tom drum with 3 metal legs so it can stand on the …
ed and lorraine _ , real-life paranormal investigators, inspired 'the conjuring' film series, dracula is known for his sharp, fearsome _ and thirst …
even as a baby i never puked. it was a medical marvel, i wrestled at purdue" "jv!", enough about the baby, is anyone asking if my hand …
dynamic superhero duo, infamous criminal couple, classic cat and mouse, detective and sidekick, comedy duo, tragic lovers, folk rock musicians, …
art form expressed through movement, dancer turns out their feet and legs, shoes that help you stand on your toes, turning with one foot in posse …
you had me at " _ ", i'll have what she's _ , the stuff that _ are made of, you can't handle the _ , may the _ be with you, i'll be _ , …
horror movie by stephen king, frankly my dear i don't give a damn, preceding lord of the rings, a coming-of-age story about the lives of four young …
the most misunderstood animal, "this is _ ", they crawl out of the grave, a movie about a predator, shhhh be quiet, _ before christmas, …
i made a wish upon a star, i turned around and there you were, yes, you'll be in my heart. from this day on, now and forever more, whatever we may do, …
follows a crime from when it happened to when it is solved, scary movie, people will sing, these movies are funny, a serious genre of film or book, …
programme showing improvements in the appearance of a person or a place. (two words), programme about climate. (two words), an everyday fiction …
the highness or lowness of a note, a kind of emotion or feeling, the volume of music (soft or low), to make up as you go along, when a set of beats …
fast beats, energy and dynamism. uses the guitar (chuck berry, elvis presley and queen), percussion instrument, large and with a very loud sound. it …
a live performance by a musician or group playing popular or jazz music, a performer or act that is promoted as the star attraction, a place used for …
the arrangement of notes, or beats in the music, instruments made from metal, the world-wide classification of the instruments, multiple lines of …
is an instrument with 6 strings, is a small instrument with 4 strings, is an instrument from india, is an instrument from scotland, are instruments …
musical element for volume, musical term for loud, musical term for quiet, a piece for soloist and orchestral accompaniment, leader's instrument in a …
this the part of the stage which is closest to the audience, this is the part of the stage which is closest to backstage and furthest from the …
center of acting area, the actors left from the view on stage, the actors right from the view on stage, the back of the acting area, farthest from the …