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Music, Movies and TV Crossword Puzzles
Free printable music-movies crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
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a piece of work written in dialogue form usually with a beginning, middle, and end, broken into one or more acts, a light and amusing play that …
a speech that a character gives when he or she is alone on stage. , the method a writer uses to develop the personality of a character. , usually the …
_ away, the da _ code, sleepless in _ , the polar _ , saving private _ , p _ _ l _ _ l p _ _ _ , _ me if you can, _ story, beautiful day in the, the _ …
has funny situations and makes you laugh, you can see real events that happen currently around the world, this show has police officers chasing …
a field of business or production, especially one that is large and includes many companies and work, to organize enjoyment for someone through …
refers to the loudness and softness in music, means loud, means slightly soft, a notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound, a …
a person who is nominated as a candidate for election or for an honour or award, platform on which actors, entertainers, or speakers perform/speak, a …
_ the snowman, _ the herald angels sing, o little town of _ , _ the red-nosed reindeer, _ is comin' to town, you're a mean one _ , we three _ of …
composer of "la traviata", composer of "la bohème", composer of "the magic flute", composer of "the ring …
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horror movie by stephen king, frankly my dear i don't give a damn, preceding lord of the rings, a coming-of-age story about the lives of four young …
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even as a baby i never puked. it was a medical marvel, i wrestled at purdue" "jv!", enough about the baby, is anyone asking if my hand …
a box of chocolates, a bench, running, darth vader, jedi, the force, ship, romance, sinking, pandora, unobtainium, na'vi, ghosts,marshmallow …
the orchestra conductor of the opera, not all opera is serious, some operas are funny, male highest voice, lowest voice type for men, the female voice …
all members who have an active role as a character in the production. (living or nonliving), all of the men and women who work backstage during a …
an american musical genre, enjoying its peak popularity around the years 1900–1918. this genre identifies as a dance form written in 2/4 or 4/4 …
award given to people working in the cinema industry during a ceremony in hollywood, a person whose job is to incarnate someone in a film, at the …
the person who sponsors the show, the person who directs the actors, the person who manages the actors and everything that happens during the …
a major issue faced by the song's protagonist, the feeling of being without hope, often highlighted in the song, the name of the artist who performed …
person who organizes the money, this is what happens in the story, the type of show, a cowboy movie, the person who controls the actors, all the …
one of the people in a story (person, animal, creature or a thing), a place where new movies are shown on a big screen, cgi - computer generated …
merry christmas you filthy animal, blast this christmas music! it’s joyful and triumphant, every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings, the best …
mafia leader, corleone patriarch, youngest corleone son, famous crime family, actor who played don vito, actor who played michael, motive for many …
the virgin bears the _ , ye who sang _ story, as with joy they _ its light, the stars in the bright sky looked _ where he lay, star of the east, the _ …
title of taylor swift's song about verbal abuse, a type of aggressive behaviour that the song addresses, language that uses symbolic or metaphorical …
the volume of music, a pattern of notes which vary in length, the overall shape and layout of a composition, a succession of single sounds, how the …