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Music, Movies and TV Crossword Puzzles
Free printable music-movies crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
events of christ's early life., events of christ's passion, events of christ's evangelization, key miracles performed by christ, mary learns that she …
you had me at " _ ", i'll have what she's _ , the stuff that _ are made of, you can't handle the _ , may the _ be with you, i'll be _ , …
cyborg's lover, what age group does the titans fall in?, the place they protect, the home of a bee colony, batman's sidekick, the one innocent, alien …
darry, soda, and ponyboy are all _ , what was ponyboy's favorite soda?, how old was ponyboy?, the brother's _ died when they were younger, what town …
the wooden part of the guitar, if you play an instrument you are called this, the guitar is not a car it is an?, a guitar that can be plugged into a …
known as the loudness and softness of sound, the effect of the different layers of sound in a piece of music, and the relationship between them, known …
buffy's loyal friends (8), smg's husband (6), number of seasons (5), watcher's first name (6), oz's instrument (6), emma caulfield (7), spike's …
the arrangement of notes, or beats in the music, instruments made from metal, the world-wide classification of the instruments, multiple lines of …
clavichord, harpsichord, and organ were used during this time, pianoforte and harpsichord were used during this time, piano was used during this time, …
who did beethoven throw eggs at when he was unhappy with their service?, what did beethoven demand that people be when he was playing?, who was …
b-g, f-d, is this interval apart, the distance in pitch between two notes, a note neither sharp nor flat, b-f, f-c is this interval apart, a-g, b-a, …
string instrument larger than a violin that plays notes in the middle range, percussion instrument with two circular metal plates played with a mallet …
programme showing improvements in the appearance of a person or a place. (two words), programme about climate. (two words), an everyday fiction …
the loudness or softness of sound, also known as the "tune.", the distance between two notes, tone color, sharps or flats at the beginning …
what is the name of the main character in "home alone", in which city does "home alone" take place, what is the name of the actor …
who is the tiny warrior?, _ and indians are used to rough treatment, who didn't appreciate patrick's birthday present to him/, what are the names of …
_ baby, _ the red nosed reindeer, we three kings of _ are, here comes _ , _ the halls with boughs of holly, let it _ , _ bells, i saw mommy _ santa …
grace notes, small note with a line through it, played quickly before the next note, grace note without a line through it, borrows half the value from …
acknowledgement of all involved in a film, person who directs the camera work, the sound that accompanies a film, the constructed setting where the …
producing many sounds simultaneously or many voices, a french lyric poet that would compose and sing, same parts moving at the same time, time period …
christmas movie "bad _ ", "a _ _ christmas", chevy chase plays this character in "national lampoon's christmas …
Elvis Aaron Presley was an American singer and actor.
films that explore speculative concepts, often set in the future or outer space, involving advanced technology or extraterrestrial life, non-fiction …
a film that tells an exciting and often dangerous story with action-filled scenes, a film that involves conflicts and emotions that create tension and …
information that is passed from one person to another but has not been proven to be true, wealth; a large sum of money, a ship powered by steam, to …
similar in appearance to a clarinet but uses a double-reed, woodwind instrument where air is blown over opening in instrument to produce sound instead …
soft, with sudden emphasis, very soft, hold note for indefinite length, very loud, loud, moderately soft, gradual increase in volume, hold note for …
musical element for volume, musical term for loud, musical term for quiet, a piece for soloist and orchestral accompaniment, leader's instrument in a …
high pitched woodwind made of metal, woodwind made of many parts, a high pitched, valved brass instrument, the only instrument in the orchestra with a …
i made a wish upon a star, i turned around and there you were, yes, you'll be in my heart. from this day on, now and forever more, whatever we may do, …