Music, Movies and TV Crossword Puzzles

Free printable music-movies crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.

Showing 181-210 of 214 records

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Theatrical Lighting and Sound crossword puzzle
Theatrical Lighting and Sound

describe what kind of sound this is: crickets, and river water, when programming a light cue, you need to select the light channels you need then …

Castlevania crossword puzzle

son of dracula (7), the dark priest (5), sub-weapon using ash (7), this cube has a name (3), revived by the five relics (7), appearance of the holy …

Film Crew crossword puzzle
Film Crew

the person that dresses and maintains the cast's hair and makeup throughout the shoot, plan and coordinate various aspects of film production, such as …

Beauty and the Beast crossword puzzle
Beauty and the Beast

where did beauty find the beast when she returned back to the castle?, what was the season of the year when beauty returned back to the castle?, who …

Sound in Film crossword puzzle
Sound in Film

sound that occurs within the world of the film. sound the characters can hear, sound that does not occur within the world of the film; the characters …

Animation Movies Love Quotes crossword puzzle
Animation Movies Love Quotes

who said "listen with your heart. you will understand.", who said "you are my greatest adventure", who said "this is love. …

Genres crossword puzzle

writing used to try to convince the reader to agree, writing about tragic events; usually has an unhappy ending, writing style that uses rhythms, …

Cinematic Technique crossword puzzle
Cinematic Technique

the “building blocks” of any movie or series, made up of multiple shots, deciding what goes in and what gets cut, the main object or person(s) …

Acting Terminology crossword puzzle
Acting Terminology

the time or events prior to the beginning of the play or scene, the clash when two opposing objects meet, the moment when the character wins or loses …

Drama Terminology crossword puzzle
Drama Terminology

required to communicate a character's emotions.​, something repeated in a performance that provides meaning.​, an over the top and exaggerated …

Theater Acting Terms crossword puzzle
Theater Acting Terms

the volume at which you speak, the process of creating a character by exploring different aspects of the role, actor uses personal memories and …

Cinematic Elements crossword puzzle
Cinematic Elements

moving the camera up and down, giving human attributes to an animal, object, or concept, brightly lit; suggesting life, energy, vibrancy, this camera …

Life of Pi crossword puzzle
Life of Pi

who was one of the colleagues that was sent to ask pi about the sunken ship?, where did pi go to college?, which of pi's teachers visited his family's …

The Madrigals crossword puzzle
The Madrigals

julieta is agustin's.., bruno is anotonio's.., dolores is felix's.., maribel is pedro's.., julieta and pepa are bruno's.., julieta is isabela's.., …

Making and Recording Music crossword puzzle
Making and Recording Music

this is what happens when sound waves are “deadened” and don’t bounce off the surface (don’t reflect), the science of the sound—more …

Ancient Greek Theater crossword puzzle
Ancient Greek Theater

something done/performed, something seen/watch, greek god of wine and joy, 5 day celebration of arts and athletics, attending the theater was …

Shakespeares Plays crossword puzzle
Shakespeare's Plays

this play is a tragedy about a general who gets married and then his evil friend convinces him his wife is cheating so he murders her, then realizes …

Dramatic Terms crossword puzzle
Dramatic Terms

a privileged, exalted character of high repute, who, by virtue of a tragic flaw and/or fate, suffers a fall from a higher station in life into …

Marry Poppins crossword puzzle
Marry Poppins

what is the name of the family that marry poppins works for?, what is the job of mr. banks?, with which item does marry poppins arrive?, who is the …

Music Memory Review crossword puzzle
Music Memory Review

he wrote "spring: first movement", he wrote "o fortuna", he wrote " first movement: symphony no. 5", he wrote …

Entertainment Vocabulary crossword puzzle
Entertainment Vocabulary

a realistic genre where people are trying to escape, impressive images created by technology, the bad guy, a person that plays a role, where you go to …

Sound Design Terms crossword puzzle
Sound Design Terms

matching sound effects or music to specific visual moments in a scene, the background sounds that help define an environment or scene, such as birds …

Film Editing crossword puzzle
Film Editing

an early version of a film with basic edits but no final polish, the completed version of a film after all edits and approvals, sound that originates …

Taylor Swift Lyrics crossword puzzle
Taylor Swift Lyrics

"and when we go ... down we come back every time", "darling i'm a nightmare dressed like a ... ", "she's cheer captain and …

Tangled Tales crossword puzzle
Tangled Tales

a rabbit who famously says “what’s up, doc?” in a long-running animated series, the magical owl who attends hogwarts and belongs to harry …

Types of Dances crossword puzzle
Types of Dances

a smooth ballroom dance in triple time, a passionate, dramatic ballroom dance, a lively latin dance with a syncopated rhythm, classical dance that …

Film Production crossword puzzle
Film Production

equipment used to capture footage in a film, the daily outline for a film shoot, abbreviated to fps, this is the number of images captured per second …

Comic Movie Princesses crossword puzzle
Comic Movie Princesses

loses her glass slipper when leaving the ball, first disney princess, eats a poisoned apple, rather "odd", loves to read and is known for …

Theater Terms crossword puzzle
Theater Terms

the scenery and props used to create the location of a play, the written text of a play, including dialogue and stage directions, the character who …

Types of Dance crossword puzzle
Types of Dance

classical dance with graceful movements, lively latin dance with spins, passionate dance from argentina, urban dance style with breakdancing, elegant …