Disco Music Crossword Puzzle

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  • disco: pop music, written for people to be good for people to dance.
  • duration: how long one note or a whole piece of music lasts.
  • dynamics: how music can change in volume.
  • funk: a music genre with rhythm (e.g. soul music)
  • lyrics: the words sung in a song.
  • orchestral: an arrangement of music that has been adapted to be performed by an orchestra.
  • orchestrate: to play songs using instruments.
  • pitch: how 'high' or 'low' a sound is when it is played.
  • pulse: the rhythm that is heard in a song.
  • reggae: a music genre created in jamaica in the 1960s
  • rhythm: the 'beat' that used when playing music.
  • rock: a genre of music with a strong beat when a song is heard.
  • soul: a genre of music that uses certain rhythms.
  • structure: the way a song is put together using verses and choruses.
  • tune: a melody that can be heard or repeated.