Music, Movies and TV Crossword Puzzles

Free printable music-movies crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.

Showing 31-60 of 207 records

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Name That Instrument! crossword puzzle
Name That Instrument!

an instrument played with a pair of sticks or with your hands, an instrument with six strings played by both fingers, a small rectangular wind …

Valentines Movies crossword puzzle
Valentines Movies

"all women keep score... only the great ones put it in writing.", "what do you mean you don't like jazz?", "show me the …

Songs of the 80s crossword puzzle
Songs of the 80's

take on _ , _ child o' mine, i wanna dance with _ , total eclipse of the _ , wake me up before you _ , girls just wanna have _ , don't you _ about me, …

Hip Hop Terminology crossword puzzle
Hip Hop Terminology

speed of the music, the dynamics and textures you create within your body, the repetitive patterns within the music, how high or low your body gets, …

Rock Bands crossword puzzle
Rock Bands

known for having great music, but an obnoxious fanbase, (acr.) the godfathers of post-rock, their debut, from 1969, is often cited as one of the …

Music Theory crossword puzzle
Music Theory

two half steps equal a _ , the cleft that refers to the higher pitches, the line that connects two eighth notes, distance between two bar lines, note …

Dance Performance Skills crossword puzzle
Dance Performance Skills

the energy the dancer uses to connect with and draw in the audience, what a dancer does, the qualities of movement based upon variations in speed, …

Dance Movement crossword puzzle
Dance Movement

travelling movements in dance, movements done on the floor, lying down, kneeling, or sitting, a structure where a movement is started by one dancer …

Harry Styles crossword puzzle
Harry Styles

Harry Edward Styles is an English singer, songwriter and actor.

Superheros crossword puzzle

a symbol that represents the hero, like batman's bat signal, special clothing that heroes wear to look different when they're saving the day, a …

Jazz Musicians crossword puzzle
Jazz Musicians

trumpet legend of "kind of blue", saxophonist known for "a love supreme", iconic trumpet player and singer, famous bandleader and …

Elements of Music and Composers crossword puzzle
Elements of Music and Composers

composer of water music, the way different sections of music are put together to create the whole piece, composer of winter from the four seasons, …

Theatre Vocabulary crossword puzzle
Theatre Vocabulary

center of acting area, the actors left from the view on stage, the actors right from the view on stage, the back of the acting area, farthest from the …

Plays and Musicals crossword puzzle
Plays and Musicals

this play bears the name of the capital of illinois, the first musical written by rodgers and hammerstein, based on romeo and juliet, 1975 musical …

Hip Hop Terms crossword puzzle
Hip Hop Terms

roll of the head, in dance, the matching of movement to the rhythm, sounds, and moods of the music, dancing with 100% of your energy & …

Music Key Words crossword puzzle
Music Key Words

notes in the chords clash (9), notes have leaps between them in a melody (8), notes in the chords fit together (9), smooth playing (6), a texture …

One Named Singers / Bands crossword puzzle
One Named Singers / Bands

she was true blue in 1987, she was by your side in 2000, they took you on a joyride in 1991, they wished you happy new year in 1980, she went walking …

Music Terms crossword puzzle
Music Terms

the speed of the beat, coming up with and playing musical ideas spur of the moment, without written music, the most important musical line in a piece …

Music crossword puzzle

a genre of music that emerged in the south of the united states, often featuring a slide guitar, the famous composer of "moonlight sonata" …

Music Vocabulary - Choir crossword puzzle
Music Vocabulary - Choir

the distance between two pitches, the space between two bar lines, lowers a pitch a half step, another term for 4/4 time, sing softly, the relative …

The Breakfast Club! crossword puzzle
The Breakfast Club!

he is good-looking and sporty, john, andrew, brian, claire and allison are in _ , the film is about five _ , she is beautiful and popular, she is a …

Classic Movies crossword puzzle
Classic Movies

famous movie series directed by george lucas, iconic 1933 movie with a brunette star set to be sacrificed before being saved by an unexpected source, …

Scary Movie Trivia crossword puzzle
Scary Movie Trivia

which character from scream claims that the first rule for surviving a horror movie is to not have sex?, where does friday the 13th take place?, which …

Fairy Tales crossword puzzle
Fairy Tales

lost her glass slipper, befriended seven dwarfs, cursed to sleep forever, let down her long hair, kids who found a candy house, visited her …

Introduction to Drama crossword puzzle
Introduction to Drama

the clothes worn by the performers in a movie or play, this is the place and time in which the play or story happens, drama is the art of _ , drama …

Spooky Horror Movies / Shows crossword puzzle
Spooky Horror Movies / Shows

ed and lorraine _ , real-life paranormal investigators, inspired 'the conjuring' film series, dracula is known for his sharp, fearsome _ and thirst …

The Lion King crossword puzzle
The Lion King

main character in the lion king, simba's best friend and future queen, simba's father and the king of the pride land, mufasa’s brother and main …

Famous Horror Movies crossword puzzle
Famous Horror Movies

a 1978 film featuring the iconic masked killer, michael myers, a 1960 alfred hitchcock thriller known for its famous shower scene, the mastermind …

Animated Movies crossword puzzle
Animated Movies

can't even be woken up by an alarm, my nose grows if i tell a lie, i am a singing snow man, story of a hawaiian girl, i have long magical hair, i am …

The Greatest Rock and Roll Artists crossword puzzle
The Greatest Rock and Roll Artists

electric or batteries, can be passionate, not how, when, where, or why, hurry!, heavy blimp, a red playing card, 8 legs and stings, wore suits and …