Music, Movies and TV Crossword Puzzles

Free printable music-movies crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.

Showing 31-60 of 214 records

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The Godfather crossword puzzle
The Godfather

mafia leader, corleone patriarch, youngest corleone son, famous crime family, actor who played don vito, actor who played michael, motive for many …

Elvis Presley crossword puzzle
Elvis Presley

Elvis Aaron Presley was an American singer and actor.

Music Terms crossword puzzle
Music Terms

the speed of the beat, coming up with and playing musical ideas spur of the moment, without written music, the most important musical line in a piece …

Star Wars crossword puzzle
Star Wars

what did princess leia call chewbacca?, what was the boys name who had a crush on princesses leia?, what was the princesses name?, the greatest movie …

Christmas Songs crossword puzzle
Christmas Songs

_ baby, _ the red nosed reindeer, we three kings of _ are, here comes _ , _ the halls with boughs of holly, let it _ , _ bells, i saw mommy _ santa …

Scary Movies crossword puzzle
Scary Movies

two young girls are left at a cabin in the woods, which movie kills off their high-profile main character at the very beginning with a gruesome …

Guitar crossword puzzle

the wooden part of the guitar, if you play an instrument you are called this, the guitar is not a car it is an?, a guitar that can be plugged into a …

A Midsummer Nights Dream crossword puzzle
A Midsummer Night's Dream

the name of oberon's servant, when a feeling (like love) is not returned, arguments, fighting or a battle, when there is no order and everyone is …

Harmony crossword puzzle

we are in a constant state of, when we judge, like or dislike, we.., what if all choices were just a series of these?, our roles in life need to be , …

Drama Vocabulary crossword puzzle
Drama Vocabulary

a type of performance where actors act out a story on stage, a role or part played by an actor in a play or show, someone who pretends to be a …

Theater Vocabulary crossword puzzle
Theater Vocabulary

the orientation of the actor to the audience, the conversation between actors on stage, a male who performs a role in a play, detailed information …

Classical Music crossword puzzle
Classical Music

mozart spent many years freelancing in this city, keyboard instrument mass produced after the industrial revolution, this opera is a comedy about a …

Genre crossword puzzle

books set in modern times and based on modern situations, story about a hero like king arthur or robin hood, what genre includes magical stories like …

Marvel crossword puzzle

captain america has lifted his weapon, 100% the best female, joined a traveling circus as a kid, one of two characters to be a villain in more than …

Spy Fiction crossword puzzle
Spy Fiction

looking carefully at evidence to solve crimes, people who stop criminals as their job, another word for being spy related activity. espi _ , a famous …

The Outsiders crossword puzzle
The Outsiders

darry, soda, and ponyboy are all _ , what was ponyboy's favorite soda?, how old was ponyboy?, the brother's _ died when they were younger, what town …

Famous Movies crossword puzzle
Famous Movies

romantic drama about a doomed ship voyage, sci-fi thriller about dreams within dreams, historical drama about a roman warrior’s revenge, thriller …

Film and TV Vocabulary crossword puzzle
Film and TV Vocabulary

person who organizes the money, this is what happens in the story, the type of show, a cowboy movie, the person who controls the actors, all the …

Video Production crossword puzzle
Video Production

video that helps show the story that is not the main interview, camera remains in place while lens is moved left & right, camera remains in place …

Drama Elements crossword puzzle
Drama Elements

characters that most focus is placed of? , what is the name of the story? , speaking loudly and clearly to ensure that the audience hears you. , …

Music Theory crossword puzzle
Music Theory

two half steps equal a _ , the cleft that refers to the higher pitches, the line that connects two eighth notes, distance between two bar lines, note …

Dynamics in Music crossword puzzle
Dynamics in Music

soft, with sudden emphasis, very soft, hold note for indefinite length, very loud, loud, moderately soft, gradual increase in volume, hold note for …

Name That Instrument! crossword puzzle
Name That Instrument!

an instrument played with a pair of sticks or with your hands, an instrument with six strings played by both fingers, a small rectangular wind …

Music and Instruments crossword puzzle
Music and Instruments

a large string instrument played with a bow, similar to a violin but larger, a woodwind instrument made of brass, known for its smooth sound, an …

Elements of Music crossword puzzle
Elements of Music

known as the loudness and softness of sound, the effect of the different layers of sound in a piece of music, and the relationship between them, known …

String Instruments crossword puzzle
String Instruments

_ is a technique where the bow moves back and fourth rapidly.: where the knights sits on the horse, used to rest your chin when playing the violin or …

Entertainment and Media crossword puzzle
Entertainment and Media

_ can be art, the width of piano _ became standard in the mid-1980s, she doesn't listen to _ , the orchestra went on _ to great applause, our next act …

Musical Instruments crossword puzzle
Musical Instruments

string instrument larger than a violin that plays notes in the middle range, percussion instrument with two circular metal plates played with a mallet …

Musical Theatre Terminology crossword puzzle
Musical Theatre Terminology

a musical, theatrical production that has no spoken dialogue. the entire story is told in song, the theater section of new york city, the book, …

Piano crossword puzzle

the dynamic that means 'play softly', units that the staff is divided into, chord that has the notes c,e,g, this tells the performer how many beats …