COMPOSERS Crossword Puzzle

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  • baroque : clavichord, harpsichord, and organ were used during this time
  • classical : pianoforte and harpsichord were used during this time
  • romantic : piano was used during this time
  • bach : signed his music "s.d.g" (soli deo gloria)
  • scarlatti : was a virtuoso on the harpsichord
  • handel : most famous oratorio is messiah
  • haydn : father of the string quartet
  • clementi : father of modern piano writing
  • mozart : often played duets with his sister nannerl
  • beethoven : composer who bridged the gap between classical and romantic
  • chopin: born in poland, left because of war and never returned
  • shumann: injured his hand, composed music his wife clara played
  • liszt: a great and dramatic showman who removed his gloves before playing
  • brahms: wrote many character pieces, the last of the romantic period