Introduction to Drama Crossword Puzzle

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Introduction to Drama Crossword Puzzle

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  • costume : the clothes worn by the performers in a movie or play.
  • setting : this is the place and time in which the play or story happens.
  • doing : drama is the art of _ .
  • literary : drama contains both technical and _ elements.
  • voice : everyone's _ is important and should be respected.
  • melodrama : this type plays into heightened, exaggerated and sensational emotions with a focus on the dialougue and audience emotional response.
  • tragedy : william shakespeare's "macbeth" is an example of this type of drama.
  • meaning : it serves as a way of giving _ to our way of life.
  • audience : the people who go to watch a play or movie.
  • dialogue: the conversation or lines spoken between characters.
  • conflict : this is the problem within the drama or play.
  • drama : _ is a method that that expresses human experiences.
  • imagination : the past, present and _ of human experiences are explored in drama.
  • plot : the _ is the sequence of events in the drama or play.
  • discipline : the practice of drama requires a soldier's _ .
  • sound : music, recordings of noises or things played during the performance is called _ .
  • best : if you try your _ you cannot fail.
  • comedy : in this type, the characters are able to overcome their obstacles and ends well and happy for them.
  • characters : these are the people or animals in the story or play.
  • understand : drama helps us to _ ourselves and others.
  • lights : _ are used to illuminate the stage and performers on the stage.
  • makeup : this element involves the painting of the face or body using various materials to help the actor transform into the character.
  • enactments : human emotions are explored through _ .
  • props : the different objects or items in a performance used by the performers on stage.