Melody Key Terms Crossword Puzzle

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Melody Key Terms Crossword Puzzle

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  • acciaccaturas: grace notes, small note with a line through it, played quickly before the next note.
  • appoggiaturas: grace note without a line through it, borrows half the value from the next note.
  • blue notes: flattened 3rd, augmented 4th, flattened 7th. often found in jazz and blues.
  • conjunct: melody moving by scale steps.
  • disjunct: melody moving via jumps rather than steps.
  • sequence: repeated melodic idea but at a different pitch.
  • imitation: repeated phrase in a different voice/instrument.
  • balanced phrases: melody passages of equal bar length, common in classical music.
  • improvisation: creating/changing a melody on the spot as part of the performance.
  • syllabic: singing one syllable per note.
  • melismatic: singing many different notes for one syllable.