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Business and Finance Crossword Puzzles
Free printable business-finance crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
company established for a social, political or environmental cause, a word for reserved money, one who owns shares, a person who buys goods or …
the amount earned on an investment, related to farming, able to supply ones own self, the cost to take out a loan from a payday loan store, certain …
securing finds e.g, loans and processing transactions, leading, communicating and motivating employees, advertising, sales, promotions, branding, …
forward information to others in the organization, send memos and reports, make phone calls, intuition or gut feeling, involved in the use of …
process of instructing, guiding,motivating and leading the subordinates at work, one head and one plan for activities having common objectives, the …
responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing plans and goals that affect the entire organization, entrepreneur, disturbance …
these organizations split manufacturing process down into modules or components. each component can then be made by the company or outsourced to an …
these are individuals or organisations that have purchased shares in the business, the other name of the matrix structure, organisation based on …
it is one of the 10 main types of entities that the marketers market this will include the work of airlines, hotels, car rental firms, barbers and …
a formal talk given to an audience, often accompanied by visual aids such as slides, the group of people who listen to and watch a presentation, an …
a situation in which more goods are being produced than people can afford to buy, the rate of interest at which banks that belong to the federal …
another name for working from home, the act of giving another person a specific responsibility for doing something, the workers who someone is …
a compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on workers' income and business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, …
the general awareness of a particular brand among the general population, websites and services that allow users to interact with one another through …
"private initiatives, for public good, focusing on quality of life", person or small group who starts or invests in a business in the hope …
the more there is of this, the more the price of a product increases, how many goods and services a business provides, sells at a certain price, point …
a good or service brought into a country for sale, the _ has the authority to police and oversee world trade practices, and to settle trade disputes …
machine to draw out & twisted cotton fibres, a disease that causes diarrhea, the production of many products, cloth made by weaving/knitting …
established methods or steps for completing a task, when a debt or loan has been fully settled, refused or rejected, often related to a request or …
used for conveying material from one fixed point to another fixed point, standardize material handling methods and equipment, planning of the system …
the exchange of goods or services for money, the total amount of money being transferred into and out of a business, financial gain when revenue …
printing on both sides of the page, internet-based voice communication, to add explanatory notes or comments, study of efficient workplace design, …
a sum of money given to a business by the government, a contract to acquire the use of resources such as properties, an external source of finance, …
a particular day in a month or year, used for writing on paper. it is made of wood, and has a coloured "lead" that goes through the middle, …
a debit card means buy now and pay _ , getting money when using your debit card in a shop, maximum that can be spent on a card, repaying less than the …
used to pay for items or services using credit, payment card that deducts money directly from your checking account, a credit bureau that collects …
consumer and mortgage use debt to _ , consumer pulls from one credit bureau whereas mortgage pulls from _ bureaus, in our market, travis and _ have …
incoterm where shipping and insurance is the responsibility of the buyer, rejection of an old offer and creation of a new offer, extending the …
a business owned by a group of people and authorized to act as though it were a single person, when two or more people own a business, an organization …
how many times should you uses a name in a conversation in order to remember it, should you ever throw away a business card with someones name on it, …