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Business and Finance Crossword Puzzles
Free printable business-finance crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
one who takes risk and initiative to set up their own business, _ tax is paid on business profits, amount of pay you ear before any deductions are …
in _ _ there are many buyers and sellers of standardized products, sellers in an oligopoly engage in _ _ when they all agree to charge the same price …
trait of an entrepreneur who have specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound (smart) company aims, being able to motivate oneself and …
statistics that provide information about the performance of the economy and its position in the business cycle, the total value of goods and services …
ownership in a corporation, decrease in general level of prices, a period in which demand begins to decrease, businesses lower production, …
system of trade through swapping items, notes, coins and debit cards, the government's bank, responsible for issuing money, setting interest rates, …
these are the services that assist with the buying and selling of goods and services, a system where there is little specialization or trade. people …
when price goes up demand goes _ , when price goes down supply goes _ , graph that illustrates demand for a product, means demand for a good is …
price determined by the forces of supply and demand in competitive markets, the sum of consumer and producer surplus, when demand for it increases in …
having used one's overdraft, charged for arranging borrowing, period in which the agreement can be cancelled without incurring costs, lenders make …
another name for customer, make decisions based on the customer, do you ask yourself everyday what you can do to _ a customer, if you don't know what …
full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing, cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of …
usually rely on personal funds from their own savings to finance their start-up businesses, drawing up a contract with one company (known as the …
written records that convey the financial performance and position of a business, actions of businesses that maintain and improve the well-being and …
treating someone unfairly because of his or her race, religion, or sex, extras provided by employers (other than wages), the total amount of an …
items you own that can provide future benefit to your business, the opposite of assets, what you owe to other parties such as debt, three letter …
spending plan for managing money during a given period of time, moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior, amounts of money spend to …
also known as bookkeeping, transactions are grouped in one place, the 12-month accounting period a company uses for financial reporting and tax …
cpa provides more _ cost allocation, culturally, cpa helps drive healthy _ , the _ _ waterfall shows the impact of discounts on revenue, cpa factors …
gets paid when you retire, paid to the government, controls the tax amounts you pay, what goes in, extra work, your pay after deductions, amounts …
the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale, the main means of …
the largest part of the market where a product is targeting the majority of customers, how much of a market a business owns, whether the market …
two and twenty who own and run a business, money made from selling a product, internal growth is also known as, what is the olympics?, someone who has …
to support someone/make someone feel more confident, the person trying to find a good solution for both sides, the people working for the company, the …
it measures how efficiently a company is using its assets to generate sales, net profit before interest, tax and dividend/ capital employed x 100, …
a combination of numbers which acts as a password for your account, adding more money to your account, writing a check for more money than you have in …
graph in which all vertices are of equal degree , graph that does not contain more than one edge between the pair of vertices , graph contains some …
this card allows you to borrow money from the company and you must pay interest or extra money if you cannot pay them back the full amount by the due …
type of technique that makes you want to jump in or be in trend, technique that destroys the credibility of other products, technique that only shows …
the set of values, beliefs, and customs shared by a group of people, the process through which individuals learn and internalize the values and norms …