Business Studies Crossword Puzzle

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Business Studies Crossword Puzzle

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  • partnership: two and twenty who own and run a business
  • revenue: money made from selling a product
  • organic: internal growth is also known as
  • competition: what is the olympics?
  • stakeholder: someone who has an interest in a business
  • entrepreneur: business owner
  • profit: money that you make
  • delegation: when a senior manager passes work down to someone else
  • obsolete: no longer produced
  • customer: the person who buys the product or service
  • shareholder: name for someone who invests in a company
  • capital: one of the four factors of production
  • breakeven: fixed cost/ revenue - variable cost
  • cash flow: money flowing in and out of a business is called this
  • consumer: person who uses the product or service
  • ltd: a private limited company is known as what?
  • de layering: removing one layer of an organizational structure
  • secondary: second stage of production
  • promote: what are ads trying to do for a business