Mortgages and Loans Crossword Puzzle

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  • remit : to send money to someone, for example as payment for goods or services
  • acquire : to get something, for example by buying it or being given it
  • procure : to obtain something, especially with effort or difficulty
  • minor : 1not very important in comparison with people or things of the same type
  • defer : to arrange for something to happen at a later time than you had planned
  • incur : 1 to lose money, owe money, or have to pay money as a result of doing something
  • dilapidated : a dilapidated building, vehicle, or system is old and in bad condition
  • refurbishment : the act of improving a room or a building by cleaning and painting it, adding new furniture or equipment etc or the changes and improvements that are made
  • disclosure : the process of giving information to people, especially information that was secret
  • premise : a principle or statement that you consider to be true, that you base other ideas and actions on