Engineering Economics Crossword Puzzle

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Engineering Economics Crossword Puzzle

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  • economics : deals with people and their assets and resources
  • intangible : cannot be reduced to monetary values (irreducible)
  • commodity : economic product
  • luxuries : goods that should be acquired only after all necessities have been satisfied
  • market : exchange between buyer and seller
  • monopoly : meralco
  • oligopsony : many sellers, few buyers
  • demand : need, want or desire for a product backed by money to purchase it
  • sale : supply is the amount of product made available for _ .
  • equilibrium : quantity demand is equal to quantity supplied
  • interest : income from an invested capital
  • principal : amount loaned
  • compound : earning interest on both the initial principal and the accumulated interest from previous periods
  • nominal : basic annual interest
  • bimonthly : m = 6