Brewery Business Crossword Puzzle

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Brewery Business Crossword Puzzle

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  • malt : processed barley or other grains that have been germinated and dried to develop fermentable sugars for brewing.
  • hops : cone-shaped flowers used in brewing to add bitterness, aroma, and flavor to beer.
  • wort : the sweet liquid extracted from malted grains before fermentation.
  • fermentation : the process where yeast converts sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide, producing beer.
  • yeast : a microorganism that ferments sugars to produce alcohol and carbonation in beer.
  • mash : the mixture of crushed malt and hot water that extracts fermentable sugars during brewing.
  • lager : a type of beer fermented at low temperatures using bottom-fermenting yeast.
  • ale : a beer brewed with top-fermenting yeast at warmer temperatures, typically fruity and robust.
  • gravity : a measurement of the density of wort or beer, indicating potential alcohol content.
  • krausen : the foamy head that forms on top of fermenting beer due to yeast activity.