Management Styles & Skills Crossword Puzzle

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Management Styles & Skills Crossword Puzzle

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  • autocratic : a management style with one-way communication with centralised decision making and authority. often used in emergencies.
  • participative : a management style with two-way communication with decentralised control and decision making.
  • persuasive : a management style used to 'sell' an idea to employees.
  • consultative : a management style with two-way communication and centralised control and decision making.
  • laissez-faire : ‘hands-off’ approach to management. employees are allowed to approach problems and tasks in their own way.
  • task : the nature of the _ will impact the chosen management style.
  • compare : this task word requires similarities and differences.
  • evaluate : this task word requires an advantage, disadvantages and an opinion.
  • alternatives : the third step of the planning process requires managers to develop _ .
  • discuss : this task word requires advantages and disadvantages.
  • swot : a _ analysis is used when using the skill of planning.
  • leading : is motivating and influencing others towards attaining the objectives of the business.
  • tactical : this type of planning is usually completed by middle management over 1-2 years.