Customer Profitability Analysis Crossword Puzzle

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Customer Profitability Analysis Crossword Puzzle

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  • accurate : cpa provides more _ cost allocation
  • competition : culturally, cpa helps drive healthy _
  • pocket price : the _ _ waterfall shows the impact of discounts on revenue
  • costs to serve : cpa factors in volume and product mix as well as _ _ _
  • time : cpa takes _ to implement and maintain
  • customization : traditional accounting systems cannot handle product/service _
  • trade terms : the _ _ maturity model shows how central trade terms and pricing are to different levels of companies who adopt cpa
  • profitability : companies will separate customers into low, medium, and high _ groups
  • reward : cpa says companies should _ salespeople who maintain profitable customers
  • traditional : _ accounting systems focus on products, departments or geographical regions