Welcome to Data Analytics Crossword Puzzle

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Welcome to Data Analytics Crossword Puzzle

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  • mean: the balance point of a distribution
  • median: the 50th percentile
  • standard deviation: a measure of dispersion of scores
  • z score: standard score
  • statistics: the science of decision making
  • normal: the distribution where the mean, median, and mode are equal
  • mode: the most frequently occurring score in a data set
  • variance: the square of the standard deviation
  • correlation: relationship between variables
  • independent variable: the variable the experimenter manipulates
  • dependent variable: the variable the experimenter measures
  • control group: the group in an experiment that does not receive the experimental treatment
  • skewness: when the mean and median are unequal in a set of scores
  • kurtosis: a measure of the tailedness of a distribution
  • distribution: how score in a data set relate to one another
  • outlier: a score that is significantly different than other scores in a data set
  • probability: how likely an event is to occur
  • hypothesis: an educated guess related to an outcome