Accounting Vocabulary - Expert Crossword Puzzle

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  • gearing : the extend to which a company’s long-term finance relies on debt as compared to equity; also known as leverage.
  • debenture : long-term loan, usually with a fixed rate of interest and often secured on fixed property or floating assets such as inventory or trade receivables.
  • impairment : goodwill is not amortized; subject to annual review.
  • intangible : asset with no physical substance.
  • over trading : rapid expansion in business activity with insufficiently little long-term capital to finance it, often leading to difficulty in paying liabilities as they fall due.
  • payback period : capital investment appraisals technique that measures how long it will take to recover the initial investment.
  • prudence : fundamental accounting concept – profits should not be recognized until realized while expenses must be recognized as soon as they can be anticipated (within reason).
  • working capital : excess of current assets over current liabilities.
  • amortization : equivalent of depreciation; applied to leasehold premises.
  • variance : the difference between the budgeted figures and the actual figures.