Entrepreneurship Crossword Puzzle

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Entrepreneurship Crossword Puzzle

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  • goal oriented : trait of an entrepreneur who have specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound (smart) company aims.
  • persever : being able to motivate oneself and reflect in order to overcome the many hardships associated with running a business.
  • flexible : the entrepreneur is able to adopt to new conditions and obstacles.
  • financing : entrepreneurs find ways to fund the business
  • innovative : an entrepreneur that establishes new and improved ideas to fill the gaps of a smaller need in the market
  • risk bearing : placing oneself and the business in chancy situations in hopes of making profits.
  • planning : identifying targets, objectives and ways of accomplishing them.
  • evaluating : ensures that effective controls are in place and resources are properly used
  • persistent : an entrepreneur who is not easily discouraged when activities don't go as planned
  • conceptualising : identifying profitable opportunities through forming new ideas