Money And Finance Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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Money And Finance Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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  • interest : money paid for borrowing or investing money
  • debt : something, usually money, that is owed
  • mortgage : a legal agreement that a bank lends you money to buy a house or business
  • invest : to put money into a business or property in order to earn interest or profit
  • loan : money that is borrowed from the bank and expected to be paid back with interest
  • increase : become or make greater in size, grow; make larger
  • lend : give money or object to someone that must be returned
  • decrease : become or make smaller in size, reduce; make smaller
  • installment : money due as one of several equal payments to be made over an agreed upon period of time (for a mortgage, car, etc.)
  • bitcoin : digital money which allows payments to be sent from one party to another without going through a bank
  • taxes : money you pay to the government for public services such as roads, schools, army
  • deposit : money placed into a bank account
  • borrow : take and use something from someone (person) or something (bank) with the agreement that you will give it back.