Business Studies and Economics Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: externalities : the impacts a firm's activities have on people not directly associated with its operations, stakeholder view : anybody who has an interest in what a business does and how it does it, global warming : a sustained increase in the earth’s temperature, which is linked to climate change, homogeneous : in business terms, this refers to similar, if not identical, products being sold across many countries, negative publicity : a negative reporting of a business’s activities in a potentially damaging way, corporate tax : a direct tax on the profits of business, inter dependency : the trading relationships between countries that mean countries rely on each other’s product for economic well being, business cycle : the cyclical movement of economic growth, infrastructure : the network of roads and access to basic amenities that a business needs in order to succeed in a particular location, bankruptcy : the legal process by which a company is declared financially unable to continue with the business, export : the sale/transference of goods from one country out to another.