Financial Management Crossword Puzzle

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Financial Management Crossword Puzzle

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  • interest : the amount earned on an investment.
  • agrarian : related to farming
  • self sufficient : able to supply ones own self.
  • finance charge : the cost to take out a loan from a payday loan store.
  • exemptions : certain allowance on the salary of a worker that are free from taxation.
  • income : any money received or earned
  • principal : the amount of money borrowed when taking out a loan.
  • inflation : an overall increase in the price level
  • fees : the price one pays or charges as remuneration for services.
  • currency : money in any form when used as a medium of exchange ,especially virtual or paper money that circulates.
  • industrial : related to manufacturing or business activity
  • credit union : non-profit organizations owned by its members.
  • money : anything that is accepted as payment for goods and services or debts.
  • investment : the use of money in the hope of making more money.
  • term : a period of time.
  • saving : a safe place to save money and to make money by earning interest.
  • exchange rate : the rate at which the local currency is exchanged for foreign currencies.