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Business and Finance Crossword Puzzles
Free printable business-finance crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
things that add value to a business, the process of spreading out the cost of a deduction over time, required contributions levied by governments on …
_ barriers - the firm has a unique ability to produce what other firms cannot duplicate, one seller produces all the output for a good or service, _ …
consumer _ considers the many reasons why people shop for products, this consumer personality says how prone you are to negative mental states, this …
amount subtracted from gross pay, provides retirement income for the elderly and pays for disability benefits, total amount of money earned before …
the desire for goods and services, basic requirements for human survival, goods and services for ordinary people rather than businesses, goods and …
a strategy of increasing sales by introducing new products into new markets, the difference between a prospective customer's evaluation of the …
minimum numbers of hours that have to be worked, money borrowed from a financial institution to buy property, debt restructuring, when an individual …
the manufacturer's suggested retail price minus any manufacturer's discounts, customer down payments and trade net, tax on the payment in the lease, a …
setting a price for a product or service based on competition, low prices charged for companies joining an established market, charging a high price …
goods sent to another country in exchange for money, money given to industries by the government to attract them or make them more competitive, trade …
the means of making the offering available to the customer at the right time and place, marketing environment which includes people, processes and …
patented the telegraph in 1837, an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, …
allowed the continuous production. reproduction, and circulation of print materials, language helps people move and settle down, are groups of …
this was the country that silk originally came from, these humped mammals were crucial for transporting goods, <blank> the great had conquered a …
the 12-month accounting period a company uses for financial reporting, an economic resource controlled by a business as a result of past events and …
a clause appended to a legislative bill to secure a usually distinct object, a group of people that seeks to influence public policy, the total value …
any cost incurred in the factory, the expenses associated with obtaining sales and the delivery of the product or service, the power to direct others …
evidence that is the least reliable, inherent risk x control risk =......., crypto that has a price pegged to a commodity or currency, type of audit …
what you give up when you choose between two options, the study of how people use limited resources to produce goods and services that people want or …
a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular social, commercial or political aim, an object, a person or a place that …
paid for each item or piece they produce, employee who is paid by the hour works for an, pay that is twice the regular-time pay rate, common average, …
the numerator of a fraction with the denominator of 100, a sum of money lent or invested, on which interest is paid, the percentage of the value of a …
the total financial aid a student receives, shows the information that was processed and indicates pell grand eligibility, a type of financial aid …
short term, low risk investments. (two words), ratio between the net profit and cost of investment resulting from an investment, the goods or …
a process that identifies all the early times, cutting activity time in a network to cut back on the critical path so the total completion time is …
the act of purchasing goods for an organization, the name for stock, raw materials, or goods to be sold, to communicate with all other departments, …
marketing communication designed to influence consumer purchase decisions through information, persuasion, and reminders.hire can prove their worth on …
these are things which are owned by a business such as buildings, vehicles, stock and money in the bank, a _ is one which is intended to be used for …
how often you borrow/why and how you pay debt, amount of time lived in one place and if you rent or own property, when a leased item is forcibly taken …
an individual's general approach to investment risk, unearned income received from the sale of an asset above its purchase price, a fee charged for …