Financial Terms Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: assets: these are things which are owned by a business such as buildings, vehicles, stock and money in the bank, fixed asset: a _ is one which is intended to be used for several years and not be converted into cash. examples are buildings, machinery and vehicles (two words), gross profit: this is the difference between the selling price of goods and what they cost to buy (two words), audit: an _ is an independent examination of an organization's records and financial statements (report and accounts), capital: this is the assets (or money) available to an organization to re-invest and create new assets. it starts with c, current assets: these are short−term assets which are constantly changing in value, such as stocks, debtors and bank balances (two words), liabilities: these are debts that a person or an organization owes, capital gain: you make this if you sell or dispose of a long−term asset (such as a building) for more than it cost you. two words _ g _ , net profit: this is the profit left after all overheads have been taken off (two words), revenue: the amount of money that a company actually receives during a specific period, including discounts and deductions for returned merchandise, equity: this is the value of a company’s assets minus any liabilities. basically, the value of something less the money owing on it, expenses: any of the costs involved in running the business, operating budget: a detailed projection of all estimated income and expenses based on forecasted sales revenue for a year (two words) o _ _