Macroeconomics Performance Crossword Puzzle

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Macroeconomics Performance Crossword Puzzle

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  • gdp per capita : gross domestic product on a per person basis
  • national income : national income is the income that is left after all taxes except
  • underground economy : unreported legal and illegal activities that do not show up in gdp statistics.
  • foreign sector : this sector does not have a specific source of income. it represents the difference between the dollar value of goods sent abroad and that of goods purchased from abroad.
  • family : a group of two or more persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption who are living together in a household.
  • base year : year serving as a point of comparison for other years in a price index or other statistical meausre.
  • gross domestic product : most comprehensive measure of national output
  • macroeconomics : the branch of economics that deals with the economy as a whole, using aggregate measure of output, prices and employment.
  • net national product : gross national product minus depreciation charges for wear and tear on capital (equipment)
  • consumer sector : receives income in the form made up of proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations that are responsible for producing the nation's output.
  • investment sector : the business sector make up of proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations that are responsible for producing the nations output.
  • government sector : this sector receives its income from indirect business taxes, corporate income taxes, social security contributions and individual income taxes.
  • personal income : the total amount of income going to consumers before individual income taxes are subtracted.
  • intermediate product : products that are components of other final products included in gdp
  • excluded : not counted or not included.
  • household : consists of all persons who ccuy a house, apartment, or room that constitutes separate living quarters.
  • components : parts of something