Portfolio Management Crossword Puzzle

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Portfolio Management Crossword Puzzle

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  • gems: _ are an example of tangible investments
  • contingent: fire insurance is considered a _ investment
  • risk appetite: the objective of portfolio management is to help select the best investment options as per one’s income, age, time horizon, and _
  • diversification: _ creates the perfect blend of risk and return
  • customized: investors seeking a _ approach opt for portfolio management
  • gambling: _ has a negative expected return for the player, but there is still the chance for some individuals to strike it lucky and win big.
  • bonds: _ are an example of titular investments
  • risk: portfolio management is the process of selecting a bunch of securities that will provide the investing organization a maximum yield for a given level of _ for a given level of return
  • speculation: _ involves taking calculated risks in uncertain circumstances with the expectation of a positive return on investment
  • legal protection: _ favors investments