Business and Ethics Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: assets : things that add value to a business, depreciation : the process of spreading out the cost of a deduction over time, taxes : required contributions levied by governments on income, inventory, property, capital gains, inheritance, or sales of goods and services, equity : a companies net worth or the money left over if a company sold all it's assets and paid off all it's liabilities, tax deduction : reduction in the amount on which income tax is calculated, professional profile : written summary about you, business plan : document that identifies your business goals and plan for reaching those goals, balance sheet : statement of financial conditions is a snapshot of assets, liabilities, and equity at an exact point in time, usually at the end of a quarter or exact point in time, disability : _ insurance provides you with income when you are unable to work because of illness or injury, gross income : income where expenses have not been deducted, accounting : process of recording, summarizing, and analyzing financial transactions, resume : brief summary of your education, experience, and accomplishments related to a particular skill set, corporation : a business entity that is granted a charter recognizing it as a separate legal entity having it's own privileges and liabilities distinct from those of it's members, net income : the money that remains after the expenses have been deducted, inventory : businesses unsold retail items, partnerships : businesses owned by two or more people, business : _ insurance covers the cost of repairing or replacing damaged, lost, or stolen business property such as a desk, massage table, or music system, bartering : the exchange of goods or services without using money, bookkeeping : the recording of financial transactions.