Introduction to Enterprise Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: business : a type of enterprise that usually has profit as its main objective, customers : a person or organisation that buys goods and/or services from an enterprise, pessimist : sees difficulty in every opportunity, social : a type of enterprise that does not usually have profit as its main objective, stakeholders : various groups with a strong interest in a particular enterprise, including customers and consumers, employees and employers, suppliers, lenders, the local business community and the local government, supplier : businesses that provide resources to enterprises which allow them to produce goods and services, positive attitude : the tendency to be optimistic, optimist : sees opportunity in every difficulty, enterprise : a business organised and run by an entrepreneur who makes decisions and takes risks, being enterprising : showing of initiative, imagination, energy and resourcefulness, land : natural resources that can be used by an enterprise, capital : human-made aids to production, risk : the possibility that events in relation to an enterprise do not turn out as expected, labour : skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers who can work for an enterprise, creative : the introduction of something original and imaginative rather than imitated, reasoned : _ evaluations - involves comparing different options before coming to a conclusion that is reasoned, logical and can be justified, innovative : the introduction of something new or different.