International Business Crossword Puzzle

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International Business Crossword Puzzle

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  • import : a good or service brought into a country for sale.
  • wto : the _ has the authority to police and oversee world trade practices, and to settle trade disputes among member states
  • imf : an organization that focuses on international monetary cooperation and stability in foreign exchange
  • war : a trade _ involves aggressive actions between countries to promote their own trading interests.
  • protectionism : belief in the advantages of restricting trade
  • currency : money issued by a country
  • products : goods or services
  • regulation : an official rule, law, or order stating how something must be done.
  • barrier : a trade _ is an impediment, such as a tariff or boycott that a nation imposes to limit or burden trade.
  • distribution : exclusive _ rights is an agreement granting the sole right in a specific geographical area to carry the supplier
  • deficit : a trade _ occurs when a country imports more than it exports.
  • surplus : a trade _ occurs when a country exports more than it imports
  • advantage : competitive _ occurs when a country or company outperforms its rivals.
  • agreements : trade _ are treaties designed to facilitate trade between two nations or a group of nations
  • embargo : a complete ban on all commercial activity between two nations
  • quota : a trade _ sets a limit on the quantity of a good that can be imported over a given period of time
  • boycott : when a country or company refuses to have business dealings with another until they comply with certain conditions or concessions
  • sanctions : trade _ are trade penalties imposed by one nation onto one or more other nations
  • breakeven : the point where total costs (expenses) and total sales (revenue) are equal. (2 words)
  • gdp : the total value of all goods and services produced in a country in a year
  • exchange rate : the value of one currency when converting another currency. (2 words)
  • licensing : the agreement to allow another company to sell, produce, apply a brand or use patented technology
  • bank : the central _ is responsible for issuing and controlling currency in a country.