Accounting / Treasury Crossword Puzzle

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Accounting / Treasury Crossword Puzzle

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  • direct cost: any cost that is identified specifically with a particular final cost objective & includes direct labor, travel, consultants, subcontractors and materials
  • cost: an economic sacrifice to perform work
  • odc: non-labor costs on a project or task, such as travel, subcontractors, or materials
  • accrual: an accounting entry to identify money earned or spent that has not yet been received or sent respectively
  • unallowable cost: costs that are not allowed per contract terms or are prohibited by federal regulations as defined in far 31.2
  • revenue: the total amount generated by the sale of goods or services related to a company's primary operations
  • profit: the margin between the price paid for a service/product and the cost incurred to perform/produce it
  • free cash flow: represents the cash generated from the business after accounting for capital expenditure and ordinary and necessary unallowable expenses
  • ebitda: an industry metric used to evaluate an organization's operating performance by adding together net income, interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization
  • dso: a ratio that provides an estimate of how many days it takes to receive cash from sponsors, relative to when cost is incurred
  • indirect cost: any cost not directly identified with a single, final cost object and/or contract, but identified with two or more final cost objectives or an intermediate cost objective