Functional / Operational Areas Crossword Puzzle

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Functional / Operational Areas Crossword Puzzle

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  • operations management : optimising production processes and efficient use of resources to deliver products or services.​
  • finance : financial planning, record-keeping and reporting to ensure financial health and compliance​
  • human resources : oversees recruitment, employee development, and welfare.​
  • marketing : identifying customer needs, promoting products or services and strategic branding.​
  • sales : generating revenue by managing customer relationships and developing effective sales strategies.​
  • customer service : providing support, resolving issues, and managing feedback to enhance loyalty.​
  • information technology : manages technology infrastructure, software development, and data security.​
  • research and development : innovating and improving products or services through research and testing,​
  • strategic planning : setting long-term goals and defining the direction of the business​
  • legal : ensures adherence to laws and regulations, manages contracts, and mitigates legal risks for the business.​
  • administration : manages day-to-day operations and support functions, including office management and documents.​
  • logistics : coordinates the movement of goods, transportation, warehousing, and order fulfillment to ensure delivery.​
  • management : overseeing and coordinating the activities of the business.​
  • purchasing : acquiring goods and services needed for the business.​
  • quality : ensures that products and services meet established standards and customer expectations.