Introduction to Construction Industry Crossword Puzzle
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- traditional: structure where the internal load bearing leaf of the walling is of masonry and is tied with stainless steel ties to an outer leaf of brick or stone
- stone: used as a building material for thousands of years
- sustainable: construction which aims to reduce environmental impact
- fsc: certificate placed on timber which are from managed forests
- recycle: to re-use material
- architect: a professional who interprets the clients requirements to make a contract document.
- surveyors: building _ provide professional advice on property and construction.
- bricklayer: crafts man who creates the structure of a building. they lay the bricks and blocks in patterns to ensure the building is sound.
- plumber: someone who fits all water services within a building
- electricity: what are wind turbines used to generate
- dpc: acronym for a barrier installed in the walls of a building to prevent moisture from rising from the ground into the walls.
- dry: bond used before using cement
- reveal: side of the brickwork visible in front of the door or window frame
- english: bond made by alternating courses of headers and stretchers