Branding Crossword Puzzle

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Branding Crossword Puzzle

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  • identity: the way someone or a brand want to express themselves and the way that they want to be seen by others, noun
  • commercial: an advertisement on television, on the radio or on a website, noun
  • consumer: a person who buys goods or uses service, noun
  • addiction: ​the condition of being unable to stop using or doing something as a habit, especially something harmful, noun
  • hypebeast:a person obsessed with buying trendy, limited-edition items to show off, noun
  • loyalty: the quality of being constant in your support of somebody/something, noun
  • accumulation: an amount of something that has gradually increased over a period of time, noun
  • excessive: greater than what seems reasonable or appropriate, adjective
  • envy: greater than what seems reasonable or appropriate, verb
  • admire: to respect somebody for what they have done or to respect their qualities, verb