Capacity Utilisation Crossword Puzzle

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Capacity Utilisation Crossword Puzzle

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  • capacity utilisation : current output/ maximum possible output x 100 is the formula for what?
  • ninety : the ideal capacity for a business is?
  • under utilised : a sudden drop in demand may mean a businesses capacity is what?
  • rationalising : a business could improve its capacity by
  • mothball : what describes when fixed assets are left unused but maintained?
  • full capacity : if a business is unable to increase its capacity what is it running at?
  • average : what costs will be lower if a business is running over-utilised?
  • outsourcing : what's it called when a business obtains goods or services from an outside supplier?
  • redeployment : what does it mean when you move people or resources to a new place or task
  • spare capacity : what's it called when you've got spare capacity left over?