Macroeconmics Crossword Puzzle

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Macroeconmics Crossword Puzzle

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  • aggregate demand: total demand in the economy (expenditure + exports + investment +government spending)
  • aggregate supply: total supply in the economy.
  • balanced budget: government income = government expenditure
  • budget: government income & government expenditure for a l year period.
  • budget deficit: government expenditure is greater than its income for that year.
  • budget surplus: government income is greater than its expenditure for that year.
  • circular: _ flow of income - model showing the flow of money, factors of production &goods/services in the economy.
  • direct: _ taxes - taxation on income and wealth (income tax, corporation tax, inheritance tax, capital gains tax).
  • fiscal policy: use of taxation and government spending to influence the economy.
  • indirect: _ taxes - taxation on spending (vat, excise duties, import taxes)
  • interest rates: cost of borrowing or reward for saving money. base rate set by the central bank. commercial bank rates generally follow base rate changes but at a higher total rate.
  • monetary policy: use of interest rates or the money supply to influence the economy.
  • progressive: _ taxes - usually implemented through direct taxes & take a higher % of income as tax from higher earners.
  • regressive: _ taxes - usually associated with indirect taxes - taking a higher % of income from lower earners.
  • taxation: form of income for the government through direct or indirect charges (taxes).