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Business and Finance Crossword Puzzles
Free printable business-finance crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
the function of an asset that can be saved, retrieved, or exchanged at a later date, an intermediary instrument used to facilitate the sale purchase …
a fixed or regular payment, typically paid on a monthly or biweekly basis but often expressed as an annual sum, made by an employer to an employee, …
a person or company that sells goods to a customer, amount of goods that can be produced or stored in a warehouse in a specific period, producing or …
uk goods or services bought by an over-seas buyer, whether or not a resource will run out in the future, type of profit used from own or company's …
money paid for borrowing or investing money, something, usually money, that is owed, a legal agreement that a bank lends you money to buy a house or …
largest retail corporation, major online retailer, technology company known for iphones, oil and gas giant, conglomerate led by warren buffett, …
most dominant medium for marketing, along with marketing cost this is used to calculate cac, competition that sells the same or similar products or …
you may transfer a maximum of $5,000 of the current year’s federal tuition amount, minus the amount you used to reduce your tax owing. the …
something that makes your life more pleasant, the sector of industry involved with extracting raw material from the land, the acronym for external …
a person who buys goods and services for their personal use, a person or business that produces and sells products to consumers, consumed by consumers …
letters, symbols, or categories used to represent information, a specific subset of a population used for analysis, a collection of values or …
a person who purchases good from another, displaying kindness and concern for others, a pleased, kind, or amused facial expression, typically with the …
these are met when there is trust within an organization, person who anonymously reports an ethical dilemma, standards of behaviours, intuitive ways …
the assumption that the business will continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future, the amount paid to acquire a business over and …
the way in which documents are organised and presented, the specific appearance of text e.g. the specific size, weight, and style of a typeface, a …
co-founder of paypal and ceo of spacex and tesla, co-founder of apple inc. and pioneer of the personal computer revolution, co-founder of microsoft, …
a us satellite system that lets those on the ground, on the water or in the air determine their position with extreme accuracy using gps receivers, …
the extend to which a company’s long-term finance relies on debt as compared to equity; also known as leverage, long-term loan, usually with a fixed …
_ _ became a major problem. too many goods were produced in an economy that lacked spending power, the value of shares had fallen by almost _ _ by the …
constantly acquiring new knowledge and skills for personal growth and team benefit, conveying information clearly and effectively to ensure …
is the process of determining the appropriate forms and sources of finance, vary in direct proportion to changes in sales volume, legal document …
a form of exchange that allows consumers to use items before completing payment for the, study of how society choose to use scarce resources to …
the exchange of goods and services between countries, it is created when countries enter into an economic agreement to remove barriers to trade and …
systematic arrangement showing the effect of transactions and other events on a specific balance sheet or income statement item, one who performs …
one type of reaction in the triage assessment system, example of a crisis, trademark of a crisis, the total culture in which people live, how an …
report of a business’s financial condition at a particular moment, actually recording the business’s financial transactions, arrangement by …
second name of job market., information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view, a …
the extent of which a business trades, 1-9 employees, 9-49 employees, 49-249 employees, 249+ employees, the main aim of private business, the process …
an economy that is transitioning into a developed economy, the spread of cultural beliefs and social activities from one group to another, _ economic …
how our government gets paid so that they can run the country, money that you make, money that is spent on what you need, services or goods that you …