The History of Commerce Crossword Puzzle

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The History of Commerce Crossword Puzzle

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  • coins : this form of payment was first used by the ancient lydians in turkey
  • ebay : the first platform for online auctions
  • cattle : this was one of the first known items of exchange
  • commerce : the exchange of goods or services between two or more parties
  • cowrie : this type of shell was used as an early currency
  • paper : this type of currency was first used in china
  • china : the silk road was a trade route between europe and _
  • markets : usually in the center of town, people gathered here to buy and sell goods
  • india : the first corporation established trade between england and this country
  • system : the gold coin standard was a monetary _ that linked the value of gold to a currency
  • credit card : a payment system that allows the buyer to pay the balance at a later date
  • brick and mortar : another name for a physical store
  • ecommerce : buying and selling online
  • spices : a popular item of trade that helped food to taste better
  • ships : mode of transportation used in european exploration
  • lighter : paper currency was more convenient because it was _ than coins and shells