Employability Skills Crossword Puzzle

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Employability Skills Crossword Puzzle

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  • three : how many times should you uses a name in a conversation in order to remember it.
  • no : should you ever throw away a business card with someones name on it.
  • anger : what does all caps signify in emails and other text.
  • ten minutes : how early should you arrive for an interview.
  • twenty four : phone calls and emails should be returned within _ hours.
  • yes : should you watch what you say about your personal life in the work place.
  • eighty : the us department of labor estimates that what percent of workers will lose their jobs over bad work ethics.
  • good first impression : what are making eye contact and a firm but gentle handshake examples of.
  • yes : if you are going over seas for a job should you learn the native language of the place you are going to
  • no : should you try to talk to people or and employer while he/she is on the phone.