Cheque Cashing Crossword Puzzle
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- commercial : a cheque made out to a business owner
- cheque number : found on the bottom left or top right corner of the cheque
- government : a cheque that can only be charged a $2 fee plus 1% face value
- sixteen : minimum age for cashing cheques
- recourse : what is the term for the work we do when we verify cheques and employers before cashing a cheque
- institution number : last 3 digits in the middle sequence of numbers on the bottom of the cheque
- transit number : first 5 digits in the middle sequence of numbers on the bottom of the cheque
- account number : numbers located on the far right in the bottom of the cheque
- unsigned cheque : we must have a copy of this for all new cheques/turndowns
- sole proprietorship : when the individual owns the business under a provincially registered name
- partnership : where two or more persons form a company that is not limited or incorporated
- staledated : a cheque six months or older
- edeposit : what you want to make sure your customer didn't do when they first got the cheque
- three ninety nine : the standard flat fee for cashing cheques
- turndown : a cheque that isn't cashed