Marketing Principles Crossword Puzzle

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Marketing Principles Crossword Puzzle

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  • distribution : the means of making the offering available to the customer at the right time and place.
  • internal : marketing environment which includes people, processes and physical evidence
  • economic : devaluation of australian economy is an example of _ environment.
  • pestle : framework that examines macro environment.
  • positioning : the concept of _ refers to the space an offering occupies in consumers’ mind
  • mood : situation influences on consumer behaviour includes consumer _
  • high : deliberate decision-making is more applicable for _ involvement products.
  • straight : the low engagement purchase of the same products as previously purchased from established vendors under established terms is _ rebuy.
  • buying centre: group of people in an organisation who participate in the buying process is the _ _ (2 words)
  • behavioural : grouping consumer based on heavy and light buyers is an example of _ segmentation.
  • measurable: effective segmentation is when the segment is big, reachable, actionable and _
  • mass: when you see that buyers have common wants and needs, _ marketing is more suitable market coverage strategy.