Business and Finance Crossword Puzzles

Free printable business-finance crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.

Showing 241-270 of 392 records

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National Payroll Week crossword puzzle
National Payroll Week

the lowest amount that an employer can pay its employee per hour, formula employers can use to determine the taxable gross payment when covering the …

Data Handling Cycle crossword puzzle
Data Handling Cycle

data that can be measured, the difference between the lowest and highest values, data that can be counted, a statement that could be true, which might …

Perfect Market crossword puzzle
Perfect Market

the cost that remains the same even if the output changes, a point where a firm cannot meet its average variable cost, when average revenue is between …

Private Enterprise crossword puzzle
Private Enterprise

combines raw materials and processed goods into finished products, uses short production runs to produce a precise amount of a product, an economic …

Different Types of Business crossword puzzle
Different Types of Business

someone who introduces changes and new ideas, people employed in a business/ used in production, business that has a separate legal identity from that …

Macroeconomics Performance crossword puzzle
Macroeconomics Performance

gross domestic product on a per person basis, national income is the income that is left after all taxes except, unreported legal and illegal …

Production crossword puzzle

when an individual leaves rural areas to settle permanently in the city this is called?, this level of production can be sold in local or export …

Channel Management crossword puzzle
Channel Management

the path a product takes without the help of intermediaries between the producer and the consumer, the path a product takes using intermediaries …

Accounting Concepts Vocabulary crossword puzzle
Accounting Concepts Vocabulary

amount earned from sale of goods or services, a business with a single owner with unlimited liability, those who commit money to a venture with the …

Show Me the Money! crossword puzzle
Show Me the Money!

services such as water, heating, and electricity, _ value is the value of an investment or loan on date before the end of the term, the value of an …

Microeconomics (Firms) crossword puzzle
Microeconomics (Firms)

total cost/output, downward sloping line (from left to right) as the fixed costs are shared among increased output, total revenue/number of …

Organizational Agility and Innovation crossword puzzle
Organizational Agility and Innovation

a specific point in an agile project that marks a significant stage of development, the goal of _ is to have a constant stream of work without any …

Economy Vocabulary crossword puzzle
Economy Vocabulary

a government policy or restriction that limits international trade, the amount of good or service that is available to use, general increase in …

Healthy Living and Finances crossword puzzle
Healthy Living and Finances

such mental states or the qualities that are associated with them, especially in contrast to reason, a confidence and satisfaction in oneself, a …

Accounting Vocabulary - Medium crossword puzzle
Accounting Vocabulary - Medium

an examination of a company’s financial statements, an entity’s assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity as of a specific date, also called a …

Economic Terms crossword puzzle
Economic Terms

when a person keeps their money instead of spending it, when money or goods are traded or exchanged for other goods or services, something that a …

Consumer Affairs crossword puzzle
Consumer Affairs

tangible products which consumer use, action performed to satisfy consumer's needs, someone who purchases goods and services, buying or eating …

Project Management Terminology crossword puzzle
Project Management Terminology

a body of work that is organized to accomplish a goal, application of knowledge and tools to project activities to meet project requirements, sequence …

Business Communication - The Company crossword puzzle
Business Communication - The Company

a form of visual communication used at conferences, the most common form of communication in today's world, english is the most spoken language at an …

Operations crossword puzzle

those whos primary jobs and function are "not directly" related to the production and operation, under are any of the equipment, tools, …

Demystifying Insurance crossword puzzle
Demystifying Insurance

unauthorized or unforeseen entries to or exists from the premises covered under the insurance through detetctable and aggressive methods with the …

Introduction of Economics crossword puzzle
Introduction of Economics

not a considered capital, true opportunity cost curve, father of communism, point under the opportunity cost curve, opponent of a communist, risk …

Organisational Structures crossword puzzle
Organisational Structures

feature of a person specification, junior level employees, manager directly responsible for few employees, an individual under the authority and …

Organisation crossword puzzle

a tabular register of days according to a system usually covering one year and referring the days of each month to the days of the week, a book in …

Types of Business Ownership crossword puzzle
Types of Business Ownership

example of a corporation, business with 1 owner, a proven business model that is offered for sale, irs corporation with less reporting and limited …

Tax Collection Definitions crossword puzzle
Tax Collection Definitions

before deductions or taxes, must do, free or excuse from some obligation, permanent status granted to an employee after a specified period of …

All About Economics crossword puzzle
All About Economics

the entire relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied of it when all other influences on producers' planned sales remain the …

Banks and Money crossword puzzle
Banks and Money

this means to take money out of a bank, a _ card allows you to use money in your bank to pay for things, this is the amount of money you earn by …

Management Styles & Skills crossword puzzle
Management Styles & Skills

a management style with one-way communication with centralised decision making and authority. often used in emergencies, a management style with …

Economic Challenges crossword puzzle
Economic Challenges

when prices increase, _ rates (the cost of borrowing money) also go up, this may happen to people on the job who fail a drug test, these go up with …