What is Credit? Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: debt record : how often you borrow/why and how you pay debt, stability : amount of time lived in one place and if you rent or own property, repossession : when a leased item is forcibly taken back, line of credit : amount a lender gives you for credit, disclosure : rules for use or contract, expenses : the amount of financial obligations you have, premiums : monthly agreed upon payment amount, bankruptcy : legally unable to pay back debts, delinquent : late payments, retail credit : received from stores for installment purchases, garnishing : wages are held for a collection agency, finance charge : amount of interest charged for borrowing money, income : money you make, wages brought in, down payment : amount paid at the start of a loan to secure purchase, installment purchase : item purchased by breaking the price down into smaller portions, cash credit : received from credit unions,banks and finance companies