Introduction of Economics Crossword Puzzle

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Introduction of Economics Crossword Puzzle

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  • money : not a considered capital
  • bowed out : true opportunity cost curve
  • marx : father of communism
  • inefficient : point under the opportunity cost curve
  • capitalist : opponent of a communist
  • entrepreneur : risk taker of resources
  • invisible hand : theory of adam smith
  • tradition : economy controlled by past practice
  • scarcity : limited resources
  • labor : human factor of production
  • growth : this happens when the opp cost curve shifts to the right
  • mixed : economy of the usa
  • profit : major influence of a market economy
  • market : economy controlled by supply and demand
  • economics : how a society uses resources
  • command : economy controlled by government
  • what : first economic question
  • opportunity : cost of giving something up
  • efficiency : competition creates this
  • tradeoff : decision to do one thing over another
  • adam smith : father of capitalism
  • whom : third economic question