Economic Terminologies Crossword Puzzle

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Economic Terminologies Crossword Puzzle

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  • depression : a severe and prolonged downturn in economic activity.
  • fiscal policy : a stimulus used by governments to fight recessions, involving spending and tax cuts.
  • gdp : the total market value of all goods and services produced in a country.
  • opportunity cost : the next best alternative given up when a decision is made.
  • capital : this term refers to the tools, machinery, and factories used to produce goods
  • demand : product or service that consumers are willing and able to purchase at various prices.
  • supply : the amount of a product that producers are willing to sell at different prices.
  • economics : the study of how individuals and societies choose to allocate scarce resources
  • monopoly : a market where there is only one seller.
  • command economy : an economic system where decisions are made by a central authority.
  • scarcity : this occurs when there are not enough resources to satisfy all human wants.
  • tariff : a tax imposed on imported goods to protect domestic industries.
  • dumping : the unfair practice of selling goods in another country at a price lower than in the domestic market.
  • subsidy : a government payment to domestic producers to encourage exports or reduce the cost of production.