Dairy Industry Crossword Puzzle

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Dairy Industry Crossword Puzzle

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  • heifer : female cattle that have not given birth.
  • free martin : female calf from a heifer/bull twin pair.
  • quota : allows of milk the producer can sell calculated from butterfat.
  • incentive : these days are given to farms when ,milk production is low.
  • pro action : mandatory food safety program in canada.
  • netherlands : place where the cows primarily originated from.
  • dry : period when a cow is not being milked in preparation for parturition.
  • mastitis : the risk of this occurring increases with a gradual dry off procedure.
  • feed : most expensive cost in dairy production next to quota.
  • micro biome : this needs to be healthy to effectively convert feed to milk.
  • fiber : alfalfa silage is an example of what feed source?
  • pea : this type of silage will produce higher milk fat, with lower milk production.
  • barley : this type of silage provides both grain and fiber. it also grows well in canada because it requires less heat.
  • tmr : type of feed ration when all feed components are mixed.
  • ketosis : blood tests are testing for...
  • hypocalcemia : urinary ph is testing for...
  • insemination : rate from % of cows inseminated of those eligible is a single estrus cycle.
  • conception : rate from % inseminated that become pregnant during a single estrus cycle.
  • pregnancy : rate from % of all that became pregnant during a single estrus cycle.
  • streptococcus : bacteria that grows well on straw and grass.
  • composting : phrase used to describe tilling up bedding packs to reduce bacteria.
  • linear : in the first few hours of life igg absorption is ...
  • hydrometer : device used to measure colostrum quality.
  • calcium : this should not be supplemented pre-partem.