Business and Finance Crossword Puzzles

Free printable business-finance crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.

Showing 271-300 of 392 records

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Business Structures crossword puzzle
Business Structures

_ limited company - you can buy shares in my company, the type of tax limited business have to pay, an entrepreneur needs to be comfortable taking …

Business Vocabulary Terms crossword puzzle
Business Vocabulary Terms

recruitment, training, wages/salary, the use of social media, websites, etc, money owed to your business, money owed by your business, the accounting …

Production Meeting crossword puzzle
Production Meeting

_ is not allowed in production, sds stands for safety _ sheets, gmp's are a set of _ that should never be compromised, you must _ in designated areas …

Customer Value Propositions crossword puzzle
Customer Value Propositions

value prop in which you stress all distinguishing benefits a market offering has relative to the next best alternative, when you track and document …

Economic Factors in Europe crossword puzzle
Economic Factors in Europe

trading without using money, a restriction on the amount of a goods that can be imported, most countries fall somewhere on a _ between a pure market …

Macroeconmics crossword puzzle

total demand in the economy (expenditure + exports + investment +government spending), total supply in the economy, government income = government …

Accounting Concepts crossword puzzle
Accounting Concepts

financial information is recorded and reported separately from the owner's personal financial information, the same accounting principles must be …

Construction Field crossword puzzle
Construction Field

provides a 3d model of a construction site and allows users to directly immerse themselves into the virtual space, a program in which you gain …

Accounting for Merchandising Operations crossword puzzle
Accounting for Merchandising Operations

this is a term for a business or person that sells goods to the consumer, as opposed to a wholesaler or supplier, this is a document sent by a buyer …

Money Saving crossword puzzle
Money Saving

the things you must have for a satisfactory life, something that is owned by a person, company, or organization, such as money, property, or land, an …

Goods, Services, Resources crossword puzzle
Goods, Services, Resources

communities depending on other communities for things, work that a person does for someone else, someone who buys goods and pays for services, a …

Economics - Market Structures crossword puzzle
Economics - Market Structures

a government-issued right to operate a business, a product,such as petroleum or milk, that is considered the same no matter who produces or sells it, …

Key to a Successful Outcome crossword puzzle
Key to a Successful Outcome

the quality or state of being honest, meaning adherence to the facts, fairness, and uprightness, the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task …

Accounting Principles crossword puzzle
Accounting Principles

a process of control over the expenditure, a set of guidelines, all accounts are produced in the same way, assumes that the business is operating as …

Advertising Techniques crossword puzzle
Advertising Techniques

words with strong associations like "family," "home," "dishonest" and "wasteful", the case that using the …

Illegal Wildlife Trade crossword puzzle
Illegal Wildlife Trade

the product that made up the largest seizure in cites history, rich asian business men have rhino horns as a _ symbol, the term for the removal of the …

Industrial and Social Revolution crossword puzzle
Industrial and Social Revolution

animals raised to provide materials for textile factories, men who developed businesses and sold their inventions, controlled the sale of inventions, …

Industrial Revolution Glossary crossword puzzle
Industrial Revolution Glossary

growing plants and raising animals on farms to produce food for people, rich business owners and important people who have a lot of money, an economic …

Business Math crossword puzzle
Business Math

a deduction from the usual cost, a fraction that always has a value of one hundred, exchange for goods without money, tip, government assessment, the …

Financial Basics crossword puzzle
Financial Basics

money owed to the practice, money owed by the practice, an approximate measure of a company's operating cash flow based on data from the income …

Industrial Revolution and Imperialism crossword puzzle
Industrial Revolution and Imperialism

_ revolution - the time of massive change in the way of doing things, started in great britain, the process of making towns and cities during the …

Environment and Market crossword puzzle
Environment and Market

matching your interests and skills, legal conformity to government regulations, analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, ongoing …

Years of Growth crossword puzzle
Years of Growth

the period of rapid industrial and technological development, the symbolic entrance point for immigrants to the united states, people who create new …

Finance Fundamentals crossword puzzle
Finance Fundamentals

measure of how well a company uses its money to operate and grow , money the company has to run its day to day operations, we get paid when we issue …

Research Terminologies crossword puzzle
Research Terminologies

an action to something, information to solve a crime, means the importance of something, range of action or operation, collected information, to plan …

Entrepreneural and Business Concepts crossword puzzle
Entrepreneural and Business Concepts

protects an invention from being copied, is offered in addition to a salary to compensate employees, physical items that require pick-up or delivery, …

Sponsorships crossword puzzle

organizations, firms, or individuals that give teams money in exchange for naming rights and advertising rights on stadium signage, the collective use …

Insurance Definitions crossword puzzle
Insurance Definitions

a person who works for him or herself and sells insurance for a number of different insurance companies. he/she is paid a commission for this by the …

Business Studies and Economics crossword puzzle
Business Studies and Economics

the impacts a firm's activities have on people not directly associated with its operations, anybody who has an interest in what a business does and …

Final Accounts crossword puzzle
Final Accounts

money that a business receives for providing goods or a service, money that a business spends, report that shows the balance of the accounts, …