Perfect Market Crossword Puzzle

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Perfect Market Crossword Puzzle

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  • fixed costs : the cost that remains the same even if the output changes.
  • shutdown point : a point where a firm cannot meet its average variable cost.
  • loss minimizing : when average revenue is between the shutdown and break even.
  • perfect market : all the goods in this market must be identical.
  • market : a mechanism that brings together buyers and sellers of goods and services.
  • marginal revenue : the additional revenue earned when sales increase by one more unit.
  • competition appeal court : an institution whose main function is to review orders made by the competition tribunal
  • economic profit : the profit that the producer receives over and above the normal profit.
  • profit maximization : it occurs when a firm produces at the output level at which marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost.
  • price taker : the seller who takes price that is determined by the market forces.
  • normal profits : minimum profits that will prevent the business from leaving the market.
  • mergers : the purchasing of a firm by more than one firm.
  • variable costs : costs that change according to the changes in output.
  • total revenue : the sum of payments the firm receives from the sale of its output