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Business and Finance Crossword Puzzles
Free printable business-finance crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
a type of enterprise that usually has profit as its main objective, a person or organisation that buys goods and/or services from an enterprise, sees …
the cost of an advertising campaign divided by the number of people reached, the internet and mobile devices such as smartphones, the function that …
a cheque made out to a business owner, found on the bottom left or top right corner of the cheque, a cheque that can only be charged a $2 fee plus 1% …
an amount of goods and services that are available; the amount of goods that producers are willing to offer for sale, includes all human physical …
a snapshot of the important information regarding your insurance policy, a financial expert who evaluates risk an insurer will take on if they decide …
(n) provider, (n) abilities, (n) an apprentice, (v) responsible for, (n) where you work, (v) to continue for a period of time, (n) places or designed …
a person who recommends a product on social media, look at several products in a shop or online without intending to buy any item, to be given back …
protects you from financial loss, the potential for something bad to happen, any legally enforceable obligation, a person who complies and analyzes …
commercial lines of credit are similar to other loans in that approvals are based on this, these cannot be self-initiated online, an equity line may …
all shipments should be received and verified with the currency counter, within view of the security camera, the _ day of armored carrier delivery. …
the net amount of cash being transferred into and out of a business. positive cash flow indicates that a company's liquid assets are increasing, …
the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom, a trait that drives entrepreneurs to explore new ideas and seek out new …
having a lot of money and a good standard of living, a person or thing that is valuable or useful to somebody/something, the inability for a person or …
this department is responsible for handling employee recruitment, training, and payroll, this function involves advertising, branding, and promotional …
the date or time by which a task must be finished, a plan that outlines tasks and timings, the status given to the most important tasks, a tool to …
a product that does not meet safety standards, when a company takes back a faulty product, a promise by the manufacturer to repair or replace a faulty …
a written complaint by a consumer, a person who buys goods or services, a government body that protects consumer rights, an unfair practice of …
a good or service whose consumption declines as income rises, and conversely, price remaining constant; inverse relationship with income, acronym for …
a type of product made by a particular company and sold under a particular name, one that buys goods or services, as from a store or business, a job …
a person's source of money, dependent on the ability to produce, the central bank of the united states, money that a bank keeps and does not lend out, …
a professional who uses mathematics and statistics to assess risk and set premium rates for insurance policies, someone responsible for investigating …
a goal that a business strives to achieve in order to meet its long term aims, developing a new product or a process in the production of a product, …
structure where the internal load bearing leaf of the walling is of masonry and is tied with stainless steel ties to an outer leaf of brick or stone, …
a record of financial transactions maintained by a business, a type of security that represents ownership in a corporation and entitles the holder to …
a complete list of items such as property, goods in stock, or the contents of a building, a reduction in the value of an asset with the passage of …
opinions and views provided by customers about the product, the product becomes known as sales increase rapidly at this stage, will be highest at …
unique traits defining an individual, skills and competencies, watching work behaviors, assigning roles effectively, survey tool for assessment, …
similar to the current ratio but excludes stocks from current assets. a more severe test of liquidity, resources that belong to a business, money put …
processed barley or other grains that have been germinated and dried to develop fermentable sugars for brewing, cone-shaped flowers used in brewing to …
a word-for-word record of what was said during a meeting or conversation, the name given to a proposal when discussed at a meeting, to officially …